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Karey Pohn
5 min read
Tour de Board
I named the game Monomythopoly™ as a way to honor Joseph Campbell, who was the reason I went to Pacifica.

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Origins of the Idea
Walt Disney, in a Time Magazine interview in 1937, said “we just try to make a good picture. And then the professors come along and tell us

Karey Pohn
3 min read
Brave New Map
Maps are important, because they help us to situate ourselves, to get our bearings, and make sense of the world around us. Maps are especi

Karey Pohn
2 min read
Animateur After All
Grof’s work points to an ensouled cosmos and in this he has indeed become an animateur, in more ways than one!

Karey Pohn
5 min read
Coexes and Complexes
Additionally, in his research, Grof found that people would have experiences that had a similar character or nature and seemed to be variati

Karey Pohn
4 min read
To Freud and Beyond—A New Map Needed
As a young man, Dr. Stanislav Grof wanted to be an animator, yet he abandoned this dream when he read and was riveted by Freud's (1933) New
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