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Karey Pohn
2 min read
Transferring to Transference
The repetition compulsion is expressed in the transference, where the client repeats behavior patterns with his therapist that occur in othe
Karey Pohn
2 min read
As If . . . It's not Just a Valley Girl Expression.
Chapelle (1993) says that the compulsion to repeat imaginatively, as in the Fort-Da game, is a compulsion to repeat by means of a likeness,
Karey Pohn
2 min read
You Can Learn a lot From a Game—The Ooh and Ahh Behind Fort-Da!
hapelle (1993) begins by discussing the repetition compulsion as a concrete example of the eternal return. Chapelle's discussion of Freud’s
Karey Pohn
4 min read
Importance of Origins
Depth psychology recognizes the importance of going back to origins, to childhood, to word origins, and to the enduring archetypal images fo
Karey Pohn
1 min read
Depth Psychology’s Preoccupations and Praxis
Chapelle (1993) in his book Nietzsche and Psychoanalysis discusses at length how the eternal return appears in psychoanalysis.
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